Crystal Defenders

炮塔防禦模擬遊戲《Crystal Defenders》登場! ◆遊戲內容 《Crystal Defenders》是一款研究地形及敵人屬性,合理配置防禦設施的防禦模擬遊戲。其中登場的戰士、黑魔法師等戰鬥角色均為來自《FINAL FANTASY TACTICS A2》中的職業角色。遊戲共分為三个等級:作為入門篇的“W1”、加入了強化水晶等要素提高了戰略性的“W2”。8个關卡、240回合的敵人已經蓄勢待發,等待您的挑戰。 ◆特徵 -將各職業角色配置到場景中,從不斷侵入的怪物手中守護水晶。 -怪物群會從場景的入口出發向出口進軍,如果怪物抵達出口,就會奪走部份水晶。從怪物手中守住水晶則可以成功完成關卡。 -通過點擊屏幕就可以簡單直觀地完成配置角色及升級等操作。在短時間里也能輕鬆進行遊戲。 -絕妙的遊戲平衡性,無論玩多少次都不會厭倦。 更多詳細情報請看這裡

*Recommended handset OS : Android OS 2.1 and 2.2 Crystal Defenders is a defensive strategy game in which players deploy popular jobs from FINAL FANTASY Tactics A2, such as Black Mages and Soldiers, to fend off encroaching enemy hordes and prevent them from stealing their party's crystals. Players can enjoy 240 stages of action in one of two different game versions: W1 and W2. In W1, players can learn game basics. In W2, the introduction of Power Crystals opens up new doors, allowing for deeper, more detailed strategies. ◆Game Objectives & Features: - Deploy units on the area map to protect crystal reserves from encroaching monster hordes. - Monsters will enter an area and march through it until they are defeated or reach an exit, at which time they will steal one or more crystals. - Simple touch panel-driven controls and up-tempo play make Crystal Defenders easily accessible whether at home or on the go. - Innovative level design allows for high replayability.
